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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking my bio-clock

Since couple of months, my bio-clock has been nasty and useless, though not straining. Sleeping after 3AM daily and waking up around 9-9:30 AM. That was crazy!! It didnot matter much in terms of my job, health but i started feeling totally uneasy being a night creature for so long.

I finally decided to break this. First, I tried to sleep early around 12AM, but it didn't work out...for consecutive 3 days. Then i gave up and continued the same for 2 more weeks.

Yesterday, i finally decided to do what normally managers in IT companies say - think out of the box - I planned not to sleep at all, then sleep early next day night. It worked! I'm feeling better off seeing the early morning sun shine. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

nenani, neevani from kotha bangaru lokam song

A very sweet and melodious song...must listen for people who don't know Telugu as well.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

13th Century built, shelter of Ibn Battuta is razed

This incident is quite disappointing. A 13th century monument, which was shelter for Ibn Battuta, a traveller whose works are one of most important sources for Indian history has been demolished by builders in Delhi.

Its sad aut
horities have not taken any measures to protect the heritage of this nation. And the worst is only half a day after its demolition that a police complaint was made. Forget about authorities, i donot see how the local people around the site didnot bother about the monument untill its brought down...huh!! Its also strange that ASI(Arecheological survey of India) didnot give any permission to demolition of any kind. Still, some builder (unknown yet..LoL) just went on bringing it down.

Placed in category A in terms of heritage value by Intach Delhi Chapter, the structure has also been prominently mentioned in the list of heritage buildings by both MCD and Delhi government's state department of archaeology. The latter had recently announced a grand plan to bring Lal Mahal and many other unprotected monuments into its purview and give them a facelift.
Source: 13th century monument razed